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Results for "John Muir"
Earth's Echo Draws us inexorably into a new reverence for the beauty, mystery, and unity of the Earth.
Dark Green Religion An exploration of the global growth of four types of religion in which nature is seen as sacred and worthy of reverent care.
The Way of Imagination Thoughts on how science and technology have moved us away from feeling kinship with all of life.
Wonder A celebration of the spiritual firepower of the emotion of wonder.
Exuberance A lively and imaginative treatment of an elated state, a cousin to enthusiasm, happiness, and joy, that is rarely discussed in psychological literature.
A Fierce Green Fire A lucid and prophetic documentary that will rekindle your passion for making your small contribution to saving the planet.
Rachel Carson The inspiring story of Rachel Carson and the book she wrote that changed the way we see the natural world.
Dropping the Struggle Why our presence is the richest gift we can offer ourselves.
Wrestling with the Angel of Democracy A meditation on democracy that blends history, biography, cultural criticism, and memoir.